Asset Management & Scanning

  • Mobile Asset Management

The Scanning Road2Rail 4×4 transports equipment efficiently, allowing many types of scanning to be undertaken over long distances and in all weathers.

Working in conjunction with CAT Surveys to provide a Mobile Asset Management (MAM) solution, gives our customers Lidar point cloud data and 360 degree photography from road and rail.  This data can be used to assess road/rail access points, vegetation, track and tag infrastructure assets at the touch of a button.

The benefits of the Scanning with an R2R4x4:

  • Maximise productivity:
    • Efficient on and off tracking thanks to the Scanning R2R 4×4’s high ground clearance, and easy to use electro-hydraulic rail guidance system;
    • High rail speed: Scan at a speed of up to 20 mph.
  • Convenient transportation: travel from road to rail to work site with all your scanning equipment on board.

The R2R 4×4 is easily adapted to accommodate a variety of scanning equipment.  Call us to discuss your requirements.

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