R2R Ranger
Aquarius have been manufacturing R2R Rangers since 2011. This rugged 4-wheel drive self-contained vehicle has good ground clearance for easy on and off tracking while also maintaining a high level of comfort.
The R2R Ranger features:
- Self-contained, road legal vehicle; no road haulage
- 4 wheel drive
- Good ground clearance for easy on and off tracking
- 700kg Payload for men and cargo on road and 950kg on rail
- Travel, work and on-track under live OLE
- High rail speed of 20 mph/15mph reverse/10mph towing/propelling
- Compact Aquarius Electro-Hydraulic Rail-Gear proven on the Rail infrastructure since 1999
- Rail gear actuation from the cab
- Two front seats, driver and machine controller
- Fully enclosed weather protection
- Double cab versions seat five
- Troop carrying rear seats for six extra in rear tray for travel on rail
- Easy access staircase to rear body
*Including personnel and equipment and is dependent on the Ford Ranger model
The Benefits of the R2R Ranger:
- Reduced logistics: No need for additional RRV transport (truck haulage to site)
- The self-contained Rail Ranger is an efficient solution: Deliver maintenance teams and equipment quickly from the depot to the track work site with easy on and off tracking
- Increased productivity: No need to push equipment up track
- Flexibility to use for road transport and off road duties
- Reduced paperwork: No tachograph required
- Comfort of a road vehicle with a low cab for easy repeated entry and exit.