Improved Health and Safety & Better Performance

Improved Health and Safety & Better Performance

Aquarius attended a Wessex Route safety workshop on 1st July and would like to thank Priti Patel, Head of Safety, Health & Environment and team for the invitation.  It was a great event discussing route safety performance and improvements.

Aquarius was delighted to hear the positive impact the use of  Welding R2R4x4s (formerly known as Weld Rovers) is having on the track maintenance teams.  The utilisation of these vehicles was cited by Derek Crisp, Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager, as being a great example of how road/rail vehicles can be used to reduce the risks associated with manual handling, walking on track (slips, trips and falls).  Furthermore welding that had previously taken four night shifts to complete (the first to push equipment to site, nights two and three carrying out the work, and the fourth to push the equipment back up the track to the access) is now completed in two.  The result: improved health and safety & better performance!

Welding on Track with a Weld Truck

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