At Aquarius Rail the wellbeing and safety of people is at the very heart of what we do. We have adjusted our company practises to align with the continually updated government COVID-19 and Network Rail guidelines to keep the health and safety of our staff and customers our priority. Undeniably though, COVID-19 has been viewed as an opportunity for Aquarius Rail and specifically an opportunity for positive change. The opportunity for change has presented itself in every facet of the company.
To enable us to thrive well beyond COVID-19, Aquarius Rail has done the following to negotiate our way through the pandemic as safely as possible:
-We have remained fully operational to support all our customers and kept our hire fleet running to deliver work on track. We have also been manufacturing and upgrading our R2R4x4 vehicles to allow maintenance of the railway. We have adapted the R2R4x4 vehicle cabs with screening to separate people, utilised R2R Trailers to avoid continual manual handling and contamination risk, whilst our R2R Trailer Crane attachment comes into its own for safe social distancing.
-In a further effort to minimise contact between our team, we have scaled down to a four-day working week in our workshop and offices and sent those, that can, to work from home. Working Monday to Thursday is significant because it reduces our contact days by twenty percent. We are receiving encouraging positive feedback from our customers that this change can remain well beyond lockdown.
-At a time when most companies are having to furlough many of their staff or even make redundancies, it was necessary that we continued to grow the team to complete critical work. Since the start of lockdown Aquarius Rail has welcomed seven new members to the team.